The Co-operative British Youth Film Academy (BYFA) The Co-operative British Youth Film Academy

All Year Round

BYFA is not just a summer camp! We have also developed a foundation degree, worked in collaboration with the new creative & media diplomas and run a large number of masterclasses and workshops for young people and educators throughout the year.


Film making workshops and Continual Professional Development (CPD)

Workshops with BYFA are designed to maximise learner and staff engagement of a professional film experience. All will have the opportunity to attend workshops, seminars, media forums, continued professional development (CPD) days and film screenings. You can work with the company in many different ways, from joint projects and documentary development to integrated bespoke curriculum referenced workshops. BYFA works with all learners: upper primary, secondary, college and higher education students.

View sample workshops

“It's great to see so many young people involved in such a big and professional project… I really have to congratulate you and your entire team - what you have started is hugely valuable for our industry and the next generation of film-makers.” — Steven Andrew, Head of Drama & Acquisitions, CBBC

School Engagement

14-19 Creative & Media Diploma

BYFA is engaged in the development of work experience projects for the 14 -19 Creative and Media diploma. Every student on a Creative and Media Diploma must participate in a mandatory work experience. BYFA can work with large numbers of young people, replicating the professional film model and set. There is the opportunity for students to gain work experience in an number of areas with BYFA.

BYFA film making workshops

Higher Education - Foundation Degree 

The Foundation Degree (FdA) provides students with a solid base of film production skills, film management & production skills and an in-depth academic understanding of the broader contextualisation of film form. The FdA is delivered through practical workshops, project based learning, work experience and through lectures and assignments.

During the programme, students will research, acquire and manage production elements, participate in a professional film setting, handle a range of film production equipment, work with performers, manage distribution and marketing of product, manage a film production business and evaluate production values through consideration of narrative structures, contextualisation, audience consumption and film production institutions. Students will produce and market two film productions within their FdA.

“I developed my operating skills and gripping abilities. I was laying track all by myself and gave input into shots, framing and movement. I also learnt how to clapper load whilst learning about the RED camera.” Richard Davis, Student, Camera Department